By Dean L., Age 12, 7th Grade

My dog Spunky ate cat poop because he didn't know it was cat poop.  Spunky got very sick.  His face turned pale.  But he kept eating the poop even when he got sick.

So now, even though he is not with me anymore, that's how I still remember him.

Dean also drew us an abstract we'd like to share:



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By Isabelle K., Age 7, 2nd Grade 

I would like to have a medium-sized lavender dog.  He would think he's a cat. 

He would barkpurr, and do everything a cat would do.  All day long he would sleep.  To wake him up, you would have to give him a bowl of cat food. 

He would make me feel like laughing.


By Michael O., Age 11, 5th Grade

My cat is eight and a half.  He started his trip in Washington.  He came all the way down to California, with my Mom and his friend Spencer.

He and his friend Spencer lived on a farm for about six months.  They lived with two other cats, two ferrets and a dog.

Eventually we got them off the farm.  But now we need a foster home until we can find a place for them.

Editor's Note:  Can anyone out there in southern California help?




A Group Story By
Juliann M., Charlotte and Samantha D., Age 15, 9th grade.

My two lazy dogs, Buddy and Ugi, always make me laugh.  They sleep and sleep and sleep.  They are always together, and they are very lovable.   

When they go swimming with us, they don't like to go in the water.  But they like to come near the edge.  We splash the water in their faces and they bite at it.   It's weird!   

They are protective and they look for possums, but don't harm them.  They're like a mini Bonnie and Clyde. 

It's so cute how they look after each other, and how they try to protect us.  Buddy saved Ugi from a pit bull so we decided to keep her, and we all lived lived happily ever after.



By Brock H., Age 6, Kindergarten 

One day, Luigi, my bunny, went to school, and he was in my classroom.  I had fun taking the rabbit out from his cage.  The funnest part was when he rolled over. 

All the kids got to pat the bunny.  The kids in class didn't say thank you for bringing Luigi, but they did say they had fun.


By Jeremy A., Age 7, 1st Grade

The vampire dog is very scary most of the time.  But one day when a boy came up to him, he rolled over and let the boy pat him.  

His owner got mad at the dog, and then the dog bit him.  Then the owner got really mad, and put the dog in his cage. 

The reason the owner got mad is he didn't like it when the dog was nice.


By Mahalia H., Age 7, 1st Grade 

Once there was a dog.  He did not like to eat.  And then he met a frog.  He ate the frog. 

He's still hopping around.



By Gussie, Age 7, 1st Grade 

Once upon a time the United States got a president that was a dog.  His name was President Dog.  He was not housebroken and pooped all over.



This is a picture drawn by Elias, age 4.



Stories and art reprinted with the authors' and parents' permission. 


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